This anime is same war and same Island by Ghost of Tsushima.(Tushima is island's name) If you like video game too, I recommend to play it. If you gonna play Ghost of Tsushima, I recommend to watch this. Ghost of Tsushimaっていう洋ゲーが全く同じ合戦取り上げてるから 洋ゲーに抵抗なくてゲーム好きならやったらいいと思うよ
戦国時代の映像化は数多有れど源平以降の鎌倉時代の映像化は稀。 過去には北条時宗を主人公にした大河ドラマがあったが、今作の主人公は無名(=架空)の流人(元御家人)であり、舞台は史実では元連合軍に凄惨な虐殺が行われた対馬。ゲームに例えれば、大河ドラマが戦略的視点から描かれる「大戦略」だとすれば、今作は最前線の作戦・戦闘に特化した「Call of Duty」か? パイロット・フィルムの雰囲気は何処と無く「ベルセルク」風でもあり期待出来そう。
This looks really good, I almost thought it was Kingdom. The song they used is so out of place, but works for some reason. I actually like it. I'm definitely going to watch this!
I already watch the anime like few days and finish it, The story is really good There many plot like betrayal and lot kinds event in this anime But i truly love the main character even though he was exile but his soul and disciplin as a samurai was really truly admire.
This anime is done like it is an ancient paper witch is told a legend, for this reason is a bit fantastic, because he don't want to tell you the real story of the Mongol invasion of Tsushima but an ipotetical legend about it
They came to Japan twice actually. This animation is based on the first fight at Tsushima. The story is about samurai who fight while waiting for reinforcements in 7 days.
It looks great. I'm also looking forward to the scenes in a rave where there's a dance off between the Mongols and the Japanese. Because yikes, that trailer music.
bcz of fu*king coward and stupid korean & chinese marine generals, it was mistake that taking them as ally. dipshi* low bornshi*s ruined whole war plan. anyway, like the song.
with what troops (all the turk wasn't enough)? With what boat (not their technology)? And through wich sea (if they only allied with turk, then they don't conquer china, so no chanel connection to japan)? And it's also a dumb way to forgot that the reason why Genghis Khan was able to conquer that much lands, was due to his specific way to integrate valuable people into his group (army and civilian) rather than using blood and traditional links (that's what opposed him to Jamukha). And Eden Passenger, only posing the Korean and chinese cowardness or stupidity as sole responsable for defeat is dumb. We lack information about why they used inappropriate boat for the conquest, and the educated guess was it was due to a budget constraint, so not chinese or Korean choice. The only strategical mistake was to get back on boat when a tempet approach, but both time the typhon where described by both side as unusualy strong, so may be with a more usual weather it would have been a good idea. And if we trust historian (and I do trust historian more than online commentator) the size of the army where much more small, the first invasion was just a scouting mission (so going back on boat once you scouted the ennemy force was a logical decision). And on the second occasion, the main objectif was certainly to regroup for a massive landing since simultaneous disparate landing didn't work. Again, not that dumb. All that should also consider that it was an huge armada for the time, and managing all that certainly wasn't easy and new for everyone. By the way, it's unknow wich people had wich part on the strategical decision, could be a mongol general who didn't listen to the admiral (once again, globally speaking, the idea were'nt bad, and close to what it's done on land), we don't know. The main error between the two attack, was to expect that the japanese didn't adapt a new style of warfare (since they almost lost the first time due to difficulty in warfare knowledge, vision, and organisation as well as unadapted weaponry. They were much more well prepared on the second occasion, the delay between the two was due to internal conflict).
まさか、これがアニメ化するとは思ってもいなかった。 元冠で、 高麗軍(朝鮮)による対馬・壱岐の島民の虐殺を放送してくれるのかな? 翻訳が、合っていればいいのですが… I hope the translation matches ↓ No way, I never thought that this would be an animation. Mongol invasions of Japan. Does the animation broadcast the fact that the Korean army (Korea) massacred the islanders of Tsushima and Iki islands?
I always thought Mongols were more related to China and parts of Russia, since they did rule all of China and sort of made it their home base before they were completely overthrown by the Han Chinese.
만화 아니메 중에서 여몽연합군을 다룬 건 처음 보네요 ㄷㄷ 한국인들의 기억에선 많이 잊혀졌지만 당시 대부분의 군인은 고려군들이었던 걸 생각하면 묘사가 틀린 건 아님.. 다만 갑옷고증이 좀 아쉽네요. 몽골 침략 후에 검은 주로 곡도형태를 띠게 되고 갑옷은 포형갑옷으로 바뀌긴 하지만 저기 묘사된 형태는 두정갑이 아니라 만주족식 포형갑옷에 가까워보이는;
그리고 당시 여몽연합군과 일본군 사이의 병장기의 차이와(여몽연합군은 중보병/중기병은 갑옷발달의 끝판왕중에 하나라는 포형갑옷으로 무장했고 심지어 당시 최신무기인 화포까지 들고 있었음) 전투숙련도가 어마어마하게 차이가 나서 쓰시마와 이키 둘 다 하루만에 점령당했던 게 팩트;; 근데 뭐 일본에서 만들다보니 뽕은 뽑아야겠고 이해는 합니다.
고려가 대몽골저항 끝에 결국 그 압도적인 물량과 대륙의 거대함을 감당하지 못해서 멸망 대신 존속을 위한 항복크리 타고 부마국(문자 그대로 속국) 된 후에 영향을 받아서 대다수 혹은 일부는 실제로 몽골식 갑옷도 채용하였습니다. 문제의 깃발은 가장 많이 남아있는 조선보단 그 이전의 고려측 자료가 전혀 온전하게 남아있는 게 하나도 없으니, 어쩔 수 없이 몽골군과 구분짓기 위해 사용했다고 아는 분이 작가한테 트윗을 통해서 들었다고 합니다.
This anime is same war and same Island by Ghost of Tsushima.(Tushima is island's name)
If you like video game too, I recommend to play it.
If you gonna play Ghost of Tsushima, I recommend to watch this.
Ghost of Tsushimaっていう洋ゲーが全く同じ合戦取り上げてるから
Qw3r7y ghost of tsushimaといいアンゴルモアといい元寇ブーム起きそうっすね
I bet the video game will be more historically accurate than this though.
This group of warriors reminds me of the Band of Seven from Inuyasha
A cool part of japans history.
And the animation style is exactly what i like.
草原に鍛えられた最強の機動力、津波の如き速さで大陸の覇権を掌握した強大なモンゴルと首級を討ち取ることを誉れとし発足より血で血を洗う事を常とした戦闘集団"武士''こんなBIG 2の戦いが日本で起こっていたなんて胸熱‼︎
過去には北条時宗を主人公にした大河ドラマがあったが、今作の主人公は無名(=架空)の流人(元御家人)であり、舞台は史実では元連合軍に凄惨な虐殺が行われた対馬。ゲームに例えれば、大河ドラマが戦略的視点から描かれる「大戦略」だとすれば、今作は最前線の作戦・戦闘に特化した「Call of Duty」か?
This looks really good, I almost thought it was Kingdom. The song they used is so out of place, but works for some reason. I actually like it. I'm definitely going to watch this!
I don't know why... but I like the music xD
LandBreaker - The Sky (Remix)
This looks amazing!!!
design 100/10
BGMまじで気に入り。中半の曲はNASS n SAW - The Skyだと思うが、前半及び後半の曲はさっぱり分かんない。
D'elf と言う方の2U Night Driveです、自分も随分探しました...
LandBreaker - The Sky (Remix)
@@JanValentineZT THX
I like the song... anybody knows the song??
It's a remix of Placenta's "Black Sun" unfortunately it is not available outside of this video, I've looked all around.
I stand corrected he NASS n SAW : The Sky (remix) is what you seek!
LandBreaker - The Sky (Remix)
I already watch the anime like few days and finish it,
The story is really good
There many plot like betrayal and lot kinds event in this anime
But i truly love the main character even though he was exile but his soul and disciplin as a samurai was really truly admire.
Can someone tell me the title of the song.Please
LandBreaker - The Sky (Remix)
Western Release?
does it have a Manga??
please Tell me if you guys know.
Yup, it's adapted from Manga
nass - the sky
There should be more historically accurate animes set in the XII/XIII century Japan
This anime is done like it is an ancient paper witch is told a legend, for this reason is a bit fantastic, because he don't want to tell you the real story of the Mongol invasion of Tsushima but an ipotetical legend about it
Guys it's been 8 months. update please.
music please? This Remix?
amazing !!! 10/10
the music is dope as well !!!!!!
LandBreaker - The Sky (Remix)
この音楽 Placenta, Black Sun てことは分かったけどどのリミックスですか?
OriginalMix, GydraRemix, 1stBreakRemix, BrokenEnoughRemix 全部違うみたい
t h さん
NASS n SAW - The Sky
LandBreaker - The Sky (Remix)
They came to Japan twice actually. This animation is based on the first fight at Tsushima. The story is about samurai who fight while waiting for reinforcements in 7 days.
While I'm not a fan of the music in this PV I'm interested in the the Premise.
song pls
Денис Евсеев Placenta-Black Sun
Can anybody tell me the name of the song?
Yuuru Mayer Placenta-Black Sun,Search for a Original version ;)
Dark Mage thanks
NASS n SAW - The Sky
Нет, даже не близко. Зашазамить - это ещё не всё.видео.html
it looks awesome but i can't even find the manga because no one is translating it. I cant wait to see it!
It looks great. I'm also looking forward to the scenes in a rave where there's a dance off between the Mongols and the Japanese. Because yikes, that trailer music.
alguien sabe como se llama la canción?
Alejo Flores Placenta-Black Sun
Completely stupid choice of music, but the animation looks very good.
Well episode 1 was not that bad tbh waiting for the 2 next Wednesday
I'm trying to find this anime. Where are you watching it at PM me if you need to. Thanks
Spoiler alert! Mongols lost.
Спойлерист хренов сука!!!!!!!!!
Я уже выслал за тобой боевиков на джипах!!!!!!!
blame the fuckin' wind m8
bcz of fu*king coward and stupid korean & chinese marine generals, it was mistake that taking them as ally. dipshi* low bornshi*s ruined whole war plan. anyway, like the song.
with what troops (all the turk wasn't enough)? With what boat (not their technology)?
And through wich sea (if they only allied with turk, then they don't conquer china, so no chanel connection to japan)?
And it's also a dumb way to forgot that the reason why Genghis Khan was able to conquer that much lands, was due to his specific way to integrate valuable people into his group (army and civilian) rather than using blood and traditional links (that's what opposed him to Jamukha).
And Eden Passenger, only posing the Korean and chinese cowardness or stupidity as sole responsable for defeat is dumb.
We lack information about why they used inappropriate boat for the conquest, and the educated guess was it was due to a budget constraint, so not chinese or Korean choice.
The only strategical mistake was to get back on boat when a tempet approach, but both time the typhon where described by both side as unusualy strong, so may be with a more usual weather it would have been a good idea. And if we trust historian (and I do trust historian more than online commentator) the size of the army where much more small, the first invasion was just a scouting mission (so going back on boat once you scouted the ennemy force was a logical decision). And on the second occasion, the main objectif was certainly to regroup for a massive landing since simultaneous disparate landing didn't work. Again, not that dumb.
All that should also consider that it was an huge armada for the time, and managing all that certainly wasn't easy and new for everyone.
By the way, it's unknow wich people had wich part on the strategical decision, could be a mongol general who didn't listen to the admiral (once again, globally speaking, the idea were'nt bad, and close to what it's done on land), we don't know.
The main error between the two attack, was to expect that the japanese didn't adapt a new style of warfare (since they almost lost the first time due to difficulty in warfare knowledge, vision, and organisation as well as unadapted weaponry. They were much more well prepared on the second occasion, the delay between the two was due to internal conflict).
but if a japan was no meet the typhoon.
mongol and korea can be make the colony of japan.
Music name?
LandBreaker - The Sky (Remix)
O mito cria, o lixo.... Imagina essa prévia com trilha sonora de Metal?? WOWW
劇伴がこの調子なら嫌だなぁと思うのはオイラくらいかな? 主題が古典なら音楽も古典的であるべきと思うがどうかな?資本の力には勝てないからどうなるかわからないけどさ。でも原作は好きだよ。
鷲津武時 賛同くださり、かたじけのうござる。
Genial, me encantan los animes "historicos" y además me gustó como va a estar animada ya estoy esperando a que se estrene
If someone is looking for the manga. Give up for now, unless u know jp.
I hope the translation matches
No way, I never thought that this would be an animation.
Mongol invasions of Japan.
Does the animation broadcast the fact that the Korean army (Korea) massacred the islanders of Tsushima and Iki islands?
大金方慶 将軍
gif castle 元冠…?元寇では?
billy kwang 大日本帝国万歳🙌
@@Ruka77-e2x てめぇくそ
Hopes for more great anime in 2018
i guess this song is some uknown remix of black sun by placenta
Name of song????
Looks like it's an unknown remix of Placenta's Black Sun (been searching for it all day, no luck)
Solistia Luminaria I bet it is going to be released as part of ost after anime airs, I hope
LandBreaker - The Sky (Remix)
I am getting the vibes of arslan senki. Looking forward to this anime.
Наконец-то аниме про монголов. Хотя бы частично. Жду с нетерпением.
Неожидал дружище...
Love you Japan from India❤️
Japanese vs Mongolians, have English song at background about tonight.
I always thought Mongols were more related to China and parts of Russia, since they did rule all of China and sort of made it their home base before they were completely overthrown by the Han Chinese.
만화 아니메 중에서 여몽연합군을 다룬 건 처음 보네요 ㄷㄷ 한국인들의 기억에선 많이 잊혀졌지만 당시 대부분의 군인은 고려군들이었던 걸 생각하면 묘사가 틀린 건 아님.. 다만 갑옷고증이 좀 아쉽네요. 몽골 침략 후에 검은 주로 곡도형태를 띠게 되고 갑옷은 포형갑옷으로 바뀌긴 하지만 저기 묘사된 형태는 두정갑이 아니라 만주족식 포형갑옷에 가까워보이는;
그리고 당시 여몽연합군과 일본군 사이의 병장기의 차이와(여몽연합군은 중보병/중기병은 갑옷발달의 끝판왕중에 하나라는 포형갑옷으로 무장했고 심지어 당시 최신무기인 화포까지 들고 있었음) 전투숙련도가 어마어마하게 차이가 나서 쓰시마와 이키 둘 다 하루만에 점령당했던 게 팩트;; 근데 뭐 일본에서 만들다보니 뽕은 뽑아야겠고 이해는 합니다.
lol i watched this live at anime expo, the music was clearly for the muricans lol
'Aun aun zbwik aun aun cause we know it can't fly(...)'
Looks fucking badass! :]
i think basara
OH! I remember now! The Yuan Dynasty are basically the Mongols! This is basically another China VS Japan! O _O
一个南宋降将都能这么厉害 这yy的真厉害 这真是没见识过岳爷爷的岳家军和杨氏一族的播州军~
這就抗蒙神片嘛 別太計較
想當年國片還手撕日本人呢 各種下限
BGM is so unfitting wtf
LandBreaker - The Sky (Remix)
again doitall そんなことないでしょ
kamicop1234 今の中学や高校の教科書は、神風なんか使ってないぞ?むしろ武士ががんばってそのあと台風がきたっかんじだし
Save Kingdom!!!!
Pierrot sucks :(
Музон збс
大韓國, 元帝國 vs 日本
hells yes
animation is wonderful KADOKAWA but please lets not make the mistake of playing bad music again
고려군 고증이 엉터리네 몽골군 철릭에 깃발은 심지어 조선왕조 깃발이고
고려가 대몽골저항 끝에 결국 그 압도적인 물량과 대륙의 거대함을 감당하지 못해서 멸망 대신 존속을 위한 항복크리 타고 부마국(문자 그대로 속국) 된 후에 영향을 받아서 대다수 혹은 일부는 실제로 몽골식 갑옷도 채용하였습니다.
문제의 깃발은 가장 많이 남아있는 조선보단 그 이전의 고려측 자료가 전혀 온전하게 남아있는 게 하나도 없으니, 어쩔 수 없이 몽골군과 구분짓기 위해 사용했다고 아는 분이 작가한테 트윗을 통해서 들었다고 합니다.